Welcome to our Preschool where we provide opportunities to strengthen and develop existing prime area skills and extend children’s learning.

Age 3-4



Preschool works to support the children in all 7 areas of the EYFS. We provide opportunities to strengthen and develop existing prime area skills but also extend their learning into the specific areas too.

Communication and Language

In Preschool we encourage conversations throughout the day, we observe them as they have their own conversations with peers throughout the day, but we also provide opportunities to extend their language skills further. This development takes place during group time where the children will be introduced to new language or language will be solidified during this time as children will use their listening skills and have the opportunity to share and express their ideas using complex sentences.

Physical Development

We continue to support the development of fine motor skills. Our room is equipped with resources to provide extensive opportunities for children to strengthen the muscles in the hand, this creates a great foundation for pencil control in Reception.


We provide lots of opportunity for children to learn in this specific area. We have a reading area dedicated to books, songs, and rhymes which the children can access throughout the day. Children begin to learn about stories in more detail e.g. The print, how to turn pages and handle books, how stories are structured. Children begin to enjoy a larger range of stories. They will have their favourites and be able to recall key events, characters. We also encourage the children to use their language skills to question what may happen next etc. By being exposed to a bigger range of illustrations it supports children in their ability to mark make as they begin to pay attention to details, and this can be seen through drawing or painting.

To support self-registration children become familiar with name recognition and can recognise letters of significance providing a great starting point for pre reading and writing skills.


Through verbal speech “what can you see in this group?” or noticing numerical print. Using mathematical language throughout the day and exposing them to mathematical problems in our daily routine such as setting the table for meal times will support children while also providing them with the opportunity to ask questions.

We help build a foundation for number problems through introducing the subitising technique allowing children to gain the understanding for number bonds.

Understanding the World

Pre-schoolers are known for their amazing imagination. We utilise this imagination in our home corner where children can take on various roles in their play. We explore various roles that the children may be exposed to on a regular basis whether it be in the community or occupations they are familiar with due to parents professions. We also celebrate various holidays throughout the year such as birthdays, bonfire night and other special cultural events of personal significance to Preschool.

This provides children with a sense of belonging but also allowsthe children to develop an understanding of diversity within our community.

Expressive arts and design

Children also use their imagination in this area of learning too. Preschool provide children the children with opportunities to be creative in many ways so they are able to develop a preference on how they like to express themselves. We explore colour, texture, and different techniques whether this be with paint printing or playing musical instruments.

Through encouragement children are confident to express themselves in a variety of ways whether this be dressing up, music or mark making.